►► Go to https://graza.co and use FATMAN to get 10% off of TRIO
►► Get 20% off @chubbies with the code BEYOND at https://www.chubbiesshorts.com/beyond
Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin drop into the Virtual Scum & Villainy Cantina to catch up with what the week has held for them, pay tribute to the late and great Gene Hackman, discuss the latest news out of DC Studios and Lucasfilm before answer questions as served up by interim producer DILF Man, aka @ThatWillWilkins
SPONSOR ►► Head to https://graza.co and use FATMAN to get 10% off of TRIO which includes Sizzle, Frizzle and Drizzle, and get to cookin’ your next chef-quality meal!
SPONSOR ►► Your summer wardrobe awaits! Get 20% off @chubbies with the code BEYOND at https://www.chubbiesshorts.com/beyond #chubbiespod
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Follow Marc Bernardin on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/marcbernardin/
Check out Scum & Villainy Cantina at: https://scumandvillainycantina.com/
Join That Kevin Smith Club: https://thatkevinsmithclub.com/
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