Filming A BNSF Led Train When This Happened! Includes LOUD DPU Locomotives Screaming Across The Railroad Crossing. Also, Trains Passing Right In A Row, Railroad Radio Close Up With Defect Detector Audio. These Norfolk Southern & CSX Trains Are In Glendale, Ohio. This is ex Baltimore And Ohio Railroad territory. Look how old the train station is ( the dated plaque is behind me in the outro ).
The first train is a giant CSX auto racks train that emptied the auto rack yard. This is one of the longest auto racks trains that I have ever seen. Listen to the mid train DPU. Have you ever heard one that loud before? I have heard them that loud on the Rat Hole Line where they come out of the Ohio River valley but I haven't heard them that loud in Glendale. The longer trains need a lot of power. After this train passes we see a close up of one of my radios. This is only the first close up.
The next train is a Norfolk Southern manifest with 2 mid train DPU locomotives. They are working hard also and this might be the longest train of the day. It was my favourite for sure. This train was led by a Burlington Northern Santa Fe locomotive and you can hear the female crew member talking on the radio. She was getting permission to pass a maintenance of way equipment crew. One of her DPU units was a BNSF and the other was a Norfolk Southern. Look what happens right as the end of the train is approaching. A second train pops up all of a sudden on the other track. This train is a CSX local freight running southbound with a square cab locomotive and running long hood forward. That was pretty cool and both trains ended at about the same time. We then take a look at some of the sights in the town and another close look at my radio. Then I put an issue of Rail Pace in the free library with a two dollar bill in it. Lol
Next, we go over by the train station to film a Norfolk Southern intermodal train running northbound on Track 2. This train had 3 NS locomotives and by the time the end of train passed me it was booking! The gates never went back up and all of a sudden a southbound CSX intermodal shows up. I did hear it on the scanner but thought it was still up the tracks a ways. That was cool seeing it cross the crossing and approaching the old train station! It was booking pretty good also. After it passes we see the radio again and hear the audio from the defect detector at mile post 13.5 on the Toledo Sub. After that it's time to watch Chessie and Loki playing. The final scenes are of the DPU units working hard and we see the slide show that came from the video.
I had stopped at Glendale after visiting the doctor only about a half hour away. I had the doctor look at my tick bites. One of them is still giving my some problems but it is getting better. They gave me a script for antibiotics and I need my blood checked. Watch out for the ticks. They are pretty bad right now. I got ticks stuck on me from Kentucky, West Virginia and Ohio so they are pretty much everywhere right now.
Filmed Friday, June 9, 2023 in 1080p with 60fps. Thanks for watching!
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CSX train derailment that I filmed recently:
Check out my steam train playlist for some really cool videos including the Big Boy! I also have other railroad videos of all types including short lines, street runners and cabooses in action. Please watch another video to help support my channel:
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