I was working on this video since January or February and I was completely unmotivated to finish this, I was gonna do the animation for Yuri but I wasn't feeling it and after for so many months now. I just decided to put this up because I just wanted this to be out (even though it's been about 6 months I think) and this wasn't as cool as I wanted it to be but I tried to feel like I wanna do this but I just couldn't feel that same passion as much as I did before for this video.
Voice by: SoulSh1n3 (As Yuri) and Kente'y (As Natsuki and Sayori)
Yuri's pissed off sprites by: @UnRicoChoripan
Composer by: @Kenny_L
Mario's Madness Mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/359554
Doki Doki Takeover Plus: https://gamebanana.com/mods/47364
Yuri doesn't like Natsuki's big ahh head.