Maryam, in the middle of the daily storm, faces new challenges. His cell phone is waiting for him at the customs office in the capital of the province, and the absence of Professor Reza, who always casts a shadow on the family's life, has a heavy burden. But all this trouble is the beginning of a serious battle for Maryam; A fight against challenges, against sudden absences, and finally, against bad behavior.
Implicitly, a heavy shadow weighs on Maryam's shoulders in the absence of Saeed, Maryam's wife. Can Maryam shoulder the huge burden of raising and caring for the children alone? Is his love and patience enough to keep the light of hope on in this storm?
The grandfather, tired of the grandmother's behavior, enters into a frank conversation with her; A conversation that not only reveals the root of the problems, but may also change Maryam's fate. Is the grandfather ready to accompany and support his grandchildren? Can it build a bridge of communication and love between generations instead of conflict?
The grandmother, with her wrong behavior, not only gets Maryam in trouble, but also involves the whole family. Is this the beginning of change or will the same painful cycle repeat itself? Can Maryam and grandfather take a stand against this behavior in a language other than words? Can they rekindle the flame of love and respect in the grandmother's heart?
Maryam's fate depends on their decisions and behavior in these turbulent days. Can he come out of this big test proud? Can love and hope, in the heart of this family, remove the dust of calamity and open a window of light for Maryam?
Be with us to witness this exciting and fateful adventure.
#Maryam's death #Maryam_and_her_challenges #Absence_of_Ostad_Reza #Maryam's_life #family_differences #family_crisis #family_support #love_and_love #patience_and_persistence #hope_and_faith #real_story #change_of_destiny #grandfather's_role #today's_problems #modern_family #grandmother_and_Maryam #family_battle #pain_and_treatment #hardship_and_hope #life_narrative #Love_and_Hamdli #social_responsibility #Motivation_in_life #family_dynamism #Mary_heroman #Mary_and_adventure #Mary_and_future #Empathy_in_the_family #Mary's power #faith_in_the_future