When trying to go long distances, like 20+ miles at a time, it's best to not tire a horse out by going too fast. We've found that our Singlefooters can do an "endurance gait" at half the speed of their speed gait, give or take a little. So, if one can single-foot at 30mph, then holding them back to 15mph, will allow them to not tire out or need rested for 2-3 hours, eating up the miles! If another has a 20mph speed rack, then 10mph would be it's best endurance gait, and so forth. Although not as exhilarating as the speed racking single-foot that we love to do, it is good to get out and eat up the miles some days and have fun with that too... This video doesn't have much speed, but shows an example of mile after mile of consistent gaiting between 6-18mph, averaging 12mph. Thanks for watching!