Endgame Achievements Received: Kolobanov's Medal, Dumitru's Medal, Radley-Walters' Medal, High Caliber, Top Gun, Ace Tanker
Game Statistics:
Map: Mines
Player: 55433_2020 [SVR-4]
Damage: 9683
Damage blocked by armor: 980
Damage due to the player’s assistance: 294
The 60TP Lewandowskiego is a Polish tier 10 heavy tank.
A project for a heavy tank developed in 1956 by Richard Lewandowski who was a cadet at the Military Technical Academy of Warsaw. The tank was supposed to weigh 60 tons and feature 200 mm armor. Development was discontinued at the drafting stage.
The 60TP Lewandowskiego marks the end of its Polish heavy line.
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