*딸기 따느라고 이번주는 후딱 가버렸어요.
*더 바빠지기전에 친구도 만나서 즐건 시간도 보내고왔구요..
*토끼와 개진상때문에 바람잘날 없는 일상을 재밌게 시청해주시면 감사하겠습니다
혼자 촬영하고 편집했어요🤭
*Thumbnail title:Rular Living
first harvest | Strawberry and lugola harvests are better than last year
*Before I got busier,I met my friends and had a great time
*I'd appreciate it if you could enjoy watching my busy and enjoyable daily life because of rabbits and puppies.
*I'm filming and editing by myself 🎥 Thank you 😊