💎내 안의 보석 세 번째 주인공💎
꼰대 지석에 맞서 등장한 90년대생 친동생 예본!
그가 들려주는 배우 김지석의 파이팅 넘치는 흑역사☠️
"그 XX 누구야? " 인소st 대사까지...!
여러분의 보석은 무엇인가요?
💎The third jewel inside me💎
Yebon, a younger brother born in the 90s, appeared against 'Kkondae' Jiseok!
Actor Kim Jiseok's ☠cringeworthy history☠ revealed by Yebon.
"Who's that bully?" Even a line that is looked like in drama...!
My Brother was really cool...☆★
What is the jewel in your heart?
#내_안의_동생 #내_안의_보석 #Jewel_Inside_Me #김지석 #kimjiseok