#jhope #hopeonthestreet #review
이렇게 홉이의 작품이 또 공개가 되었습니다..! 정말 기대했지만 기대했던 것 그 이상으로 보여줘서 역시나 행복했습니다ㅎㅎ 대중성과 음악성이 적절하게 밸런스를 맞추는 명반이었습니다!
영상 재미있게 보셨다면 구독 좋아요 부탁드리겠습니다:)
Like this, j-hope's work has been revealed again! I was really looking forward to it, but I was happy because it showed me more than I expectedLol, it was a masterpiece where popularity and musicality were properly balanced!
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