Hey, guys! We had a lot of questions about how our relationship started so wanted to share that with you all! This video we talk about our first impression of each other. If you want to hear more about how our relationship developed into knowing we wanted to marry one another, please subscribe! We'll continue to make more videos that unfold our story!
很多网友给我们私信, 问我们如何认识对方的。为了回答这个问题,我们做了这个视频。爱情中其实第一眼靠的是心动,能否结为伴侣最终还是需要看互相的性格。
--Ari’s Instagram @under_starlight
--Ari 一直都有在线教授成人英文,之前获得TEFL第二外语资格证书,准备赴中国做外语老师,但是疫情原因去不了中国,所以一直都是网上教学。这学期课程快要结束,如果有兴趣的小伙伴想和Ari 学习英文的。请加我微信:JayTang12345( 请备注姓名来意,谢谢 )
#田纳西Jay和Ari #AMWF#中美夫妻#爱情开始