#무사슬뜨기 #무사슬짧은뜨기 #무사슬원형뜨기
가방 뜰때나 원형 뜰때 유용한 무사슬 짧은뜨기입니다.
도움이 되셨으면 좋겠습니다.
무사슬 긴뜨기 (invisible join half double crochet) https://youtu.be/GzowA7jwF1M
빼뜨기자국 없는 헤링본스티치 (The best herringbone stitch) https://youtu.be/8ZEXbODmPdE
It is an invisible join-single crochet that is useful for making bags and knitting a circle.
I hope it helps you.
(I am not good at English. I think there will be many English mistakes. I hope that English subtitles will help you understand a little bit.)