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《由靈開始》鬼節特輯 ENG SUB: 藝術家分享親身靈異經歷! 無端會響的收音機 住進由青樓妓寨改建的酒店 見到滿場 "朋友仔" | 當香港藝術家在三藩市 如何將鬼故 鬼畫符 孟婆湯融入藝術創作?

LZero 零﹒工作室 2,594 7 months ago
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這集兩位嘉賓,是由香港遠道而來的藝術家Peggy和阿俊。他們來到三藩市,不但收集了一些由本地民眾提供的鬼故,而且他們自己作為經常周遊列國的藝術家,原來都有親身經歷過很多靈異事件,一個故事靈異得來有D warm,另外一個就恐怖得來又帶點古典愛情色彩,究竟情況是怎樣?一起來聽阿俊和Peggy的分享。 In this episode, we have two guests who are artists from Hong Kong, Peggy and Chun. They've traveled all the way to San Francisco, where they not only gathered some ghost stories shared by local residents but also have their own personal experiences with the supernatural, as artists who frequently travel the world. One of their stories is eerie yet has a warm touch, while the other is terrifying with a hint of classic romance. What exactly happened? Let's listen to Chun and Peggy's stories. 👻你都有鬼故想同主持分享? 馬上Email到 [email protected] #由靈開始 #靈異 #鬼故
