鮮磨蛋白杏仁茶 | 杏仁露 | 杏仁奶 | 杏仁糊 | Almond Tea/Milk with Egg White
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鮮磨蛋白杏仁茶 | 杏仁露 | 杏仁奶 | 杏仁糊 | Almond Tea/Milk with Egg White
[詳細食譜 Recipe Here]
• 杏仁 250克 (南北杏比例為6:1 south vs north almonds total 250g)
• 白米 40克 white rice 40g
• 水 80毫升water 80ml
• 蛋白 2隻 egg white 2 pcs
• 冰糖 適量rock sugar some
• 隔渣袋 filter bag
• 攪拌機 blender
試下整 鮮磨蛋白杏仁茶 | 杏仁露 | 杏仁奶 | 杏仁糊 。留言分享您既心得, 等我知道您鐘意咩食譜!
Watch the video, and give Fresh Almond Tea with Egg White a try. Do let me know how you like this recipe and share your experience. So I will know what recipes you like and what videos I should create in the near future!