湯水篇|蘋果甘荀粟米腰果豬腱骨湯 (附影片 Eng Sub) – Apple, Carrot, Corn and Cashew with Pork Tendon Bone Soup 效用在 : 消化不良、益胃,降膽固醇、心臟血管、高血壓病、防治結直腸癌、青春痘、老人斑、健腦益智、生津止渴、解暑、清熱除煩、煩熱、潤肺、醒酒、養心益氣、防治佝僂病。 Effective in: Indigestion, benefit stomach, lower cholesterol, cardiovascular, hypertension, preventing and treating colorectal cancer, Acne, age spots, Produce body fluid to quench thirst, relieve heat, clear away heat and irritate, irritate heat, moisturize lungs, , sobering up, nourishing the heart and replenishing qi, preventing and treating rickets. 不宜以下人士 : 潰瘍性結腸炎、腸胃不好、胃痛者 Not suitable for the following people: Ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal problems, stomach pain 成品: 3 人 For: 3 ppl 烹調時間: 1小時30分鐘 Cooking Time: 1 hr 30 mins 食譜已在Facebook 發放: Recipe posted on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smallhousecooking/posts/333626498137501 材料 – Ingredients: 2 個(pc) 526g 蘋果 apple 1 條(pc) 384g 甘荀 carrot 1 條 (pc) 384g 粟米 corn 365g 腰果 cashew 432g 豬腱骨 Pork tendon bone 150g 豬瘦肉 lean prok 2 個 (30g) 乾希臘無花果 dried fig 1/3 角(pc) 陳皮 Dried tangerine peel 2000毫升 (ml) 水 參考影片 - Refer to: 1. 湯水篇|蕃薯蘋果糖水 長壽 養生 甜湯 (Eng Sub) - Sweet Potato Apple Sweet Soup Health Longevity https://youtu.be/KstHlbpkWVA 2. 湯水篇|蘋果百合水 凍熱飲皆宜 (Eng Sub) - Apple Dried Lily Bulb Sweet Drink Hot/Cold drink https://youtu.be/lGT8KiL9FTM 3. 甜品教學|桃膠青紅蘋果糖水 清潤開胃佳品 (Eng Sub) - Vegan Peach Gum Apple Sweet Soup Nourishing Appetizer https://youtu.be/P9-BeyMKsfk 4. 湯水篇|香茅蘋果水 凍熱皆宜 去濕 舒緩精神 (Eng Sub) - Lemongrass Apple Vegan Sweet Soup Stay Peaceful Remove Moisture https://youtu.be/k4MYNEX9WaQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 如果你喜歡本影片的話,請follow以下的, 以表支持🙇🙇🙇 If you like this video, please follow us🙇🙇🙇 Facebook: Small House Cooking https://www.facebook.com/Small-House-Cooking-100484494785037/ Instagram: small_house_cooking https://www.instagram.com/small_house_cooking/ Mewe: Small House Cooking 蝸煮 https://mewe.com/p/smallhousecooking YouTube: Small House Cooking 蝸煮 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo_B_hmuTuxEo5MtVpFeUmQ?sub_confirmation=1 #recipes #食譜 #菜譜 #阿媽湯水 #中式湯水 #Mums_Soup #Family_Soup #保健食療 #家庭湯水 #家常湯水 #中湯 #中式 #Soup #湯品 #湯水 #湯 #保健食譜 #保健湯食譜 #湯水食譜 #中式湯水食譜 #中湯食譜 #簡易 #簡易食譜 #簡易料理 #easyrecipes #simplerecipes #easy #simple #美味 #美食 #yummyfood #deliciousfood #yummy #delicious #tastyfood #tasty #食物 #food #技巧 #skill #教學 #homemade #homemadefood #homecook #在家煮 #cookingathome #homechef #cookathome #cook #cooking #homecooking #homemeal #recipe #煮食 #自制 #自家制 #feedfeed #foodblog #foodblogger #cuisine #cuisines #Chinese_cuisines #料理 #烹飪 #中式料理 #中式烹飪 #蘋果甘荀粟米腰果豬腱骨湯 #甘荀粟米腰果豬腱骨湯 #粟米腰果豬腱骨湯 #蘋果豬腱骨湯 #豬腱骨湯 #蘋果湯 #甘荀湯 #粟米湯 #腰果湯 #蘋果 #甘荀 #粟米 #腰果 #豬腱骨 #Apple_Carrot_Corn_and_Cashew_with_Pork_Tendon_Bone_Soup #Carrot_Corn_and_Cashew_with_Pork_Tendon_Bone_Soup #Corn_and_Cashew_with_Pork_Tendon_Bone_Soup #Pork_Tendon_Bone_Soup #Apple_Soup #Carrot_Soup #Corn_Soup #Cashew_Soup #Apple #Carrot #Corn #Cashew #Pork_Tendon_Bone #Small_House_Cooking #蝸煮