張媽媽自家製【 菜肉包】,大包整多兩籠,經典茶樓點心,皮薄餡靚。請like我的Video同訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。
Mama Cheung's Bao recipe is very fluffy and delicious, make sure you try this at home! Give me a LIKE and be sure to subscribe and switch on the notification bell for alerts. It's very easy to SHARE my recipe via Whatsapp/email as well. Thank you for watching.
#張媽媽 #菜肉包 #bao
訂閱追蹤最新影片:https://goo.gl/6n9DuQ #逢星期四有新片
MamaCheung's Bao, Steamed meat buns, a heart-warming dim sum served in Chinese restaurants. I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
更多推介食譜 Recommended recipes:
。燒賣 Siu Mai Dim Sum
。蘿蔔糕 Turnip Cake
。蛋撻 Egg Tart
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材料 Ingredients(二十一個包份量 For 21 baos)
皮材料 Dough:
六百克中筋麵粉 600g plain flour
三十克白砂糖 30g suar
六克發酵粉 6g baking powder
六克酵母 6g yeast
一克鹽 1g salt
三百毫升清水 300ml water
餡料 Filling:
兩粒干貝 2 conpoy
三十克冬菇 30g shiitake mushroom
三百克豬髀肉碎 300g minced pork
三十克紅蔥頭碎 30g chopped shallots
三十克薑蓉 30g ginger
兩茶匙生粉 2tsp potato starch
一百毫升干貝水 100ml conpoy water
五百克上海白菜 500g Shanghai pakchoi
冬菇醃料 Marinade for mushroom:
一茶匙生抽 1tsp soy sauce
四分三茶匙糖 3/4tsp sugar
一茶匙麻油 1tsp sesame oil
豬髀肉碎醃料 Marinade for minced pork:
兩茶匙生抽 2tsp soy sauce
四分三茶匙鹽 3/4tsp salt
兩茶匙麻油 2tsp sesame oil
半茶匙糖 1/2tsp sugar
半茶匙胡椒粉 1/2tsp ground pepper
食譜: https://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.com/2018/06/bao-steamed-meat-buns-dim-sum-recipe.html