안녕하세요 해외여행유튜버 심샤리입니다😘
오늘은 두바이&아부다비 쇼핑리스트를 공유합니다
다들 두바이 까르푸를 많이 들리시지만, 사실 루루몰이 더 대중적인 쇼핑몰입니다😆
탈모예방에 좋은 바티카 샴푸부터 히말라야 크림, 아라빅 커피 주전자 ‘달라’까지!🔥
UAE 여행할때 기념품으로 한가득 사가시길바랍니다🤗
Hello, I’m Shimshary, an overseas travel YouTuber😘
Today, I‘m sharing the Dubai & Abu Dhabi shopping list.
Everyone visits Carrefour in Dubai a lot, but in fact, Lulu Mall is a more popular shopping mall in UAE😆
From vatika shampoo, which is good for hair loss prevention, to Himalaya cream, and Arabic coffee Pot🔥 you can get a lot of information😆
Please buy a lot of souvenirs when you travel to the UAE🤗
#여행브이로그 #여행유튜버 #두바이 #아부다비 #dubai #dubaishopping #uae #uaeshopping #abudhabi