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{ENG SUB} ★ Lobster noodles CNY special recipe with special guest ★ 上湯龍蝦伊麵 賀年菜式

張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung 152,685 3 years ago
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張媽媽賀年食品系列 《上湯龍蝦伊麵》,農曆新年快到了! 上湯龍蝦伊麵是一個好受大家喜歡嘅賀年菜式,可以用來做節日的菜式或用來招呼朋友! 做一些和家人一起分享! 祝大家新一年鴻運當頭 , 身體健康,出入平安! 請Like & share 我的Video和訂閱我的頻道啊! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。 Mama Cheung CNY recipe collection - homemade lobster e-fu noodles, another mouth-watering CNY dish to impress your family and friends! I hope you will cook my recipe at home. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you! ✤✤⬇︎⬇︎往下有材料份量⬇︎⬇︎✤✤ ⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄ #張媽媽 #龍蝦伊麵 #lobsternoodles 張媽媽【農曆新年菜式】 Chinese New Year Recipes from MamaCheung's Kitchen Quick reference to chapters! 00:00 Introduction 01:12 Ingredients 03:11 Preparation of live lobster 06:53 E-fu noodles 08:20 Marinading lobster 08:33 Pre cooking lobster 10:10 Secret tip for E-fu noodles 10:17 Cooking garnish 11:04 Cooking lobster 12:30 Sauce thickening 13:17 Lobster noodles is served! 13:25 Tasting time with special guest! 15:16 Quick access to Mama Cheung’s CNY recipes 材料 Ingredients: 2 x 伊麵/蛋麵 2 x e-fu noodles block or egg noodles 2 x 新鮮/冰鮮龍蝦 (每隻約重500克) 2 x live or frozen lobster (500g each) 配料: Garnish: 蔥100克 100g Spring onion 薑50克 50g Ginger 乾蔥頭50克 50g Shallots 蒜頭30克 30g Garlic 調味料: Seasoning: 鹽五克 5g salt 糖四克 4g sugar 蠔油45克 45g oyster sauce 老抽10克 10g dark soy sauce 胡椒粉1克 1g ground pepper 紹興酒30毫升 30ml Shaoxing wine 打芡用生粉水: Sauce thickener: 15 克生粉加20毫升水 15g potato starch mix with 20 ml water 4克麻油 4g sesame oil 50克 英粟粉 50g corn flour 雞湯500毫升 500ml chicken stock 清水500毫升 500ml water 適量油 Oil for cooking lobsters! *************************************************************** 跟我聯繫 Connect with me: Facebook: Instagram: Blogger: Twitter: Pinterest: Tumblr: 請大家幫幫忙做不同語言的字幕, Please help translate my video into different languages:
