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【Synopsis】Public interest lawyer Ning Yue gradually realizes that her seemingly stable and happy married life is a web of lies and control carefully crafted by her husband Hu Cheng, coated with a "numbing agent". As the truth comes to light, Ning Yue refuses to remain passive. The two engage in a race against time—will the "frog" be boiled first, or will the "web" be torn apart?
【Starring】Feng Shaofeng, Cai Wenjing, Xing Zhaolin, Cana, Huang Weide, Hu Jing, Liu Jia, Chi Peng, Zhang Xiqian, Liu Yitong, Guo Guo, Xing Yujing, Jin Mengyi, Cao Lei, He Gang, Wang Yichan, Yu Bin
☞Starting November 28, members can watch 2 episodes daily at 7:30 PM, with 4 episodes on the first day; non-members can watch 1 episode from Thursday to Monday at 7:30 PM
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