張媽媽湯水系列【五指毛桃響螺湯】功效可以止咳、除痰、利水、行氣及滋陰保腎! 記得煲這個湯同屋企人分享下,為我哋嘅身體打打氣喎。記得多啲 LIKE,多啲SUBSCRIBE,多謝大家支持!如喜歡的話,請按SHARE給朋友家人。謝謝。貼堂 hash tag mamacheungcooks 上Facebook 同Instagram啦!
Mama Cheung’s soup recipes are very popular, this episode she will share a very nourishing Chinese Conch Soup suitable for all ages. Hope you will make some at home too! Share your photos and comments on @mamacheungcooks Facebook and Instagram! Click SHARE this recipe to your family and friends! SUBSCRIBE & LIKE = support! Thank you!
#張媽媽 #湯水 #bonebroth
4人份量 4 person servings
食材份量 Ingredients
120g 五指毛桃 120g Ipomoea dragon
三粒蜜棗 3 Candied dates
120g 栗子 120g Chestnuts
兩條粟米 2 Sweetcorn
六隻響螺頭 6 Dried conchs
300g西施骨 300g Pork bones (with meat)
4500ml 水 4500ml Water
適量鹽 Salt to taste
更多推介食譜 Recommended recipes:
花旗參雞湯 Gingsang soup https://youtu.be/UFtkcNZqZf8
椰子雞湯 Coconut Chicken Soup https://youtu.be/Yiwu7h82GGA
咕嚕肉 Sweet and Sour Pork Recipe https://youtu.be/XH_oYIw-s6k
番茄炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes https://youtu.be/V02eXgzy-fY
椒絲腐乳炒通菜 Stir Fry Water Spinach https://youtu.be/Ut47QODS2bw
電鍋蛋糕 Rice Cooker Cake https://youtu.be/cNBB6-D3b4g
桂花糕 Osmanthus Jelly https://youtu.be/Z6CSlTfkxmU
鹽燒蝦 Salt Baked Prawns https://youtu.be/EUAuoVSb4To
酸菜煮魚 Fish with Pickled Vegetable Hotpot https://youtu.be/RlSDI0ayDhA
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