[Eng Sub] Rieri and Ueshama compete in the Aoi Koga Quiz to boost their gacha funds - Shigohaji
Shigohaji is using this opportunity to promote their beloved kouhai while also taking some cash from her.
Translation for this one is rougher than usual; it was hard to hear them a lot of the time. Had to look up Chinese subs to double-check on multiple lines.
Source for the Paimon face: u/chenny505
I couldn’t find any good photos of the three of them together.
0:00 Intro
1:31 In what part of a room does Aoi Koga feel most comfortable in?
2:13 What kind of trait does Aoi Koga like in a woman?
2:51 What sport does Aoi Koga like?
5:24 What does Aoi Koga always buy at convenience stores despite herself?
6:42 What does Aoi Koga eat as a reward for herself?
7:17 What does Aoi Koga think is Paimon's charm point?
8:56 What syllables is Aoi Koga weakest at when dubbing?
9:26 What does Aoi Koga admire the most about Reina Ueda?
11:24 What does Aoi Koga admire the most about Rie Takahashi?
13:17 What kind of agency does Aoi Koga think 81 Produce is?