R18 Seiyuu One Night Love and Umanami Pegasus (unintentionally?) do a try not to laugh challenge when reading a fan's BL scenario. This was a segment on One Night Love's Love Ring (Temporary) radio show where Uma-san was brought in as a guest. This video is dedicated to my friend who is Olivine's biggest fan, as well as any other Olivine heads/Nu Carnival fans that might be out there!
Making this video was a hassle for no reason, man. I started off doing half the translations first and everything was going well. But then premiere started tweaking for no reason after I added some emojis to the text. I was scrambling to look for workarounds and ended up finding nothing, wasting hours. What I ended up doing was getting an older version of premiere and it worked just fine!
The reason why I used a lot of images for this video in particular is because of all that. I didn't want a stupid error to show up again. The emoji version is lost to time now ig
Ok no more videos again for a bit cuz I need to do other things rn
Next video may or may not be a BLCD cast talk complilation