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【ENG SUB】《以年為單位的愛/Lost and Found》一次比一次激盪出他們試圖用愛來修復脆弱的努力💕

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🎁歡迎訂閱喵咪观影😻/@miaomiguanying ✨劇情簡介:故事開始於跨年夜那一天,獨自在異鄉打拼的陸鹿珊(毛曉彤 飾)和江宇(楊玏 飾)在機緣巧合之下相識了。這一天特殊的氣氛讓這兩個年輕人感覺對方特別的親切,凌冽的空氣中,兩顆寂寞的心迅速靠近。之後,陸鹿珊和江宇便火速展開了他們甜蜜的戀情。   陸鹿珊從很小的時候就開始了漂泊獨立的生活,常年的動盪讓她格外的渴望一份只屬於她的安全感。江宇則和大部分男人一樣,像個長不大的孩子,對未來一片迷惘。正處於事業上升期的他似乎並沒有打算把成家寫進自己的行程表中。戀愛節奏的不統一讓陸鹿珊和江宇之間屢屢爆發矛盾,幾番爭吵之後,兩人都開始思索,對方是不是真的就是那個對的人。 On New Year’s Eve, two people fall in love but can their relationship withstand the "one year itch?" Hotel manager Lu Lushan has been living on her own away from family in order to make a decent living. She meets Jiang Yu who is an aspiring entrepreneur during an event and they begin dating. Having lived together for one year, can they stay true to their original intentions in spite of their struggles in the big city? #爱情 #浪漫 #电影 #中国电影 #movie #love
