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【ENG SUB】《我真的讨厌异地恋/Stay with Me》每個經歷過異地戀的人都能夠從電影中看見自己的影子,並得到共鳴🥰🥰#爱情 #任敏 #电影 #浪漫 #movie #love

喵喵放映室 81,596 11 months ago
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🎁歡迎訂閱喵咪观影😻/@miaomiguanying ✨劇情簡介:要相信:熬过异地,就是一生。故事围绕赵一一(任敏 饰)和许嘉树(辛云来 饰)展开,高考之后,赵一一终于向暗恋多年的许嘉树表白,却阴差阳错开启一场异地恋。他们坚信:熬过异地,就是一生。可远距离恋爱的天然阻碍考验着他们,明明相爱,却不断缺席对方的生活。赛赫(陈宥维 饰)的出现以及闺蜜乔乔(周雨彤 饰)和李唐(李孝谦 饰)一波三折的爱情都让赵一一感触良多。当异地恋升级为异国恋,是继续坚持,还是一别两宽,各自成长的二人不得不面对自己内心的答案…… The story revolves around Zhao Yi Yi and Xu Jia Shu. Zhao Yi Yi finally confessed to Xu Jia Shu, who had been in love for many years, but started a long-distance relationship. They firmly believe that it is a lifetime to survive in a different place. But the natural obstacles of long-distance love test them, and they are clearly in love, but they are constantly absent from each other's life. The appearance of Sai He and the twists and turns of girlfriends Qiao Qiao and Li Tang made Zhao Yi Yi feel a lot. #爱情 #电影 #浪漫 #movie #love #sweet #任敏 #romance
