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如何避免肌肉流失, 預防長者衰弱症? 陳卓倫先生為我們講解長者都可以做健身強化肌肉![Eng Subtitles] How Exercises Help Seniors With Frailty

Dr. Joe Wong 265,028 lượt xem 1 year ago
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年紀大出現痛症非常普遍,包括肩頸膊痛,膝頭痛或者走路時冇力。但最近多了長者人說:常常很累、最近體重減輕, 走路比較慢、常常不想出街…. 如果你有這些病徵,有可能患上長者衰弱症。今次邀請到健身教練陳卓倫,為我們詳細講解長者如何用健身方法去強化肌肉。

In this video, Dr. Joe invited fitness trainer, Mr. Larry Chan to talk with us about how exercises help seniors with frailty.

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#DrJoe脊醫教室 #伸展


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