If oil and gas in the US feels confusing, you're not alone! Licensed professional petroleum engineer Tracy Lenz simplifies todays oil and gas headlines that you need to know most. https://www.PecanEstimate.com
[email protected]
0:00 Intro
0:07 Hi! Nice to meet you!
0:19 Conventional vs Unconventional
2:55 Wells in drilled in the USA Lower 48
4:20 Most valuable acreage in the US
5:08 Keystone XL Pipeline & Other pipelines
6:44 Is the US a net importer or exporter?
9:21 How much and why are we importing from Russia?
12:03 Natural gas abundance and LNG
13:08 Federal lands & drilling
15:08 Decline profile of a modern well
17:21 Stacked horizontal wells
19:14 Crude oil prices
21:44 Drilled Uncompleted Wells (DUCs)
22:31 We made it!
The Mineral Rights Forum (I answer questions here often)
Pecan Tree was founded by Tracy Lenz as Limited Liability Company in January 2020 (registered Texas Engineering Firm F-21124) to bridge the gap between mineral owners and the confusing, high-dollar world that is oil and gas.
After being on the operator side for over a decade, Tracy witnessed firsthand how mineral owners rarely can afford the same data, experts, or software to be on a level playing field with the operators and buyers, yet have MORE at stake when deciding what to do with their minerals.
Pecan Tree’s focus and efficiency make these resources available without a hidden agenda. We don’t buy minerals, we don’t work with billion dollar companies, and we run our shop 100% debt free. This flexibility lets us be innovative with technology, maintain the highest of standards (work quality, customer service, and ethics), and tailor pricing and scope to each client’s specific needs.
- Over 17 years in the industry with over 14 years of experience analyzing and evaluating oil & gas properties
- Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, PE# 132654
- Certified Mineral Appraiser by the International Institute of Mineral Appraisers (IIMA), #2020-06
- Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Southern California
- Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin
- Experience with oil & gas minerals in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, Colorado, and Kansas.
[email protected]