Hello this is Gen from Japan!
Join us as we explore the vibrant Nebuta Festival in Aomori, one of Japan's most dazzling summer festivals. From the intricate Nebuta floats and lively performances to the delicious seafood bowls and local culture, we capture the essence of this extraordinary event. Discover why Aomori's festival is a must-see and get a taste of the region's unique attractions. Don't miss this immersive experience of one of Japan's grandest celebrations!
0:00 伊丹空港から秋田空港へ
1:35 1泊45,000円のアパホテル
2:12 盛り上がってきました
4:22 青森マグロと日本酒に大感動
5:49 ねぶた祭始まりました!
8:34 有名なのっけ丼のお店
#japan #aomori #trip #festival #ねぶた #青森 #japanese