Engraving some 12 x12 mirrors with the WeCreat Vision 20 watt laser. I have built a file to use for the frame that allows the use of LED strip lights to be installed in the frame. The file will is located in my Etsy shop for download and all product links are below.
The 12 inch mirror frame will require a larger machine to make my frame. You can use the 10 inch mirror frame with the WeCreat.
For templates that I have made, check out my Etsy shop. I build files for projects and tools for laser engravers.
For Clack Shack shirts, check out my store:
The links below are affiliate links that will direct you to the product in this video. If you use this link for a purchase, I will receive a commission from the purchase. I remain unbiased and honest in my assessment as always.
WeCreat Vision 20 watt- https://shrsl.com/4nq1w
Lowe's 12 inch mirror tile-
Walmart strip lights- (shortened URL)- https://tinyurl.com/ynbnv69j
Titebond wood glue- https://amzn.to/3st79Ac
Gorilla glue, hot glue gun- https://amzn.to/3srpcqq
The Clack Shack on Amazon= https://www.amazon.com/shop/theclackshack
File on my Etsy Shop-