#O.J.심슨 #미국 #국제뉴스
인종갈등의 상징이 된 슈퍼스타! O.J.심슨 사건 | O.J.심슨, 미국, 국제뉴스
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📑 참고문헌 📑
Freedland, J. (2024, April 13). The OJ Simpson trial was sensational – and a portent of the strife-torn America we see today. The Guardian.
Ross, J. (2021, November 25). Two decades later, black and white Americans finally agree on O.J. Simpson’s guilt. Washington Post.
Mark, J. (2021, November 16). A consultant helped select the jury that acquitted O.J. Simpson. She has been working for the Rittenhouse defense. The Seattle Times.