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劉雯雯:90後,中國第一個嗩吶博士 Liu Wenwen: The First Doctor of Suona in China

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90後嗩吶演奏家劉雯雯,是中國第一位嗩吶博士,就讀於上海音樂學院。2017年,還是學生的劉雯雯,將嗩吶帶進悉尼歌劇院,成了首位登上該舞台的嗩吶演奏家。憑一曲《百鳥朝鳳》,驚艷國外樂團和觀眾,一戰成名。劉雯雯的家族從明末清初承襲嗩吶,已有400多年,到了她,已經是第13代。為打破「嗩吶是婚喪嫁娶才吹」的成見,她每次登台,必穿禮服,還將嗩吶和爵士、流行音樂結合。 Liu Wenwen, born after 1990, is the first doctor of suona in China. The young suona player is now studying in Shanghai Conservatory of Music. In 2017, when Liu was still a student, she performed Hundreds of Birds Paying Homage to Phoenix in the Sydney Opera House, amazing the audience with the special Chinese instrument and making a name for herself. Liu Wenwen’s ancestors started to play suona in early Qing dynasty, over 400 years ago. She’s the 13th-generation inheritor. In order to reduce traditional prejudice against suona, she always wears a formal dress in performances and combines suona with jazz and popular music. *打開CC字幕,觀看體驗更佳哦! *Don‘t forget to turn on CC/Subtitles! 喜歡這則影片,就點個讚👍吧!不要忘記留言告訴我們! If you like this video, please click on 👍 and don't forget to leave your comment! ------------------------------------------------------------------- 【一条Yit】影片,每日更新! Daily original short videos,That tell touching stories. 喜歡這則影片,一定要訂閱我的頻道哦! Subscribe to our YouTube channel here👇! 一条Yit |一条Yit?sub_confirmation=1 請記得開啟YouTube🔔通知! Turn on the little bell🔔 for notification and be the first one to watch our videos! ------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎥其他精彩回顧 Watch More: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎥本月精彩推薦 Best of this month: ▸【TOP1】57歲自學畫畫,一個家庭婦女退休後重啟人生 61-year-old Self-taught Female Painter Gorgeous Paintings ▸【TOP2】大師在26㎡小屋,一住20年:過質樸而美的生活 Japanese Master Lives in a 26㎡ House for 20 Years ▸【TOP3】夫妻把350㎡的家,建造成當年的約會地 Documentary scoring up to 9.7,Uncover the greatest crisis facing mankind ▸【TOP4】他自費200萬拍下罕見影像:絕美、珍貴 He Spends 2 Million Yuan Photographing Amazing and Rare Creatures in Tibet ▸【TOP5】時隔22年,她再一次令觀眾頭皮發麻 After 22 Years, She Makes Audience's Blood Freeze Again ---------------------------------------------------------- 🔗「這裡也可以找到我們」Follow us on: Facebook: Website: #一条#一條#Yit
