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蘇州美人隱居北京二環,日日在屏風作畫,仙! Suzhou Girl Lives Near the Second Ring Road of Beijing, Painting on Screens

一条Yit 72,959 3 years ago
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88年的張弘揚,出生在蘇州太湖邊上,8歲,開始系統學習吳門畫派國畫,18歲考入中國美術學院國畫系,而後多次在北京、上海、蘇州等地舉辦個展,大家都喊她「小菩提」。她痴迷於中國傳統文化,尤其是屏風上作畫。她一人獨居北京,家亦是創作空間,一条在立秋拜訪了她,並和她一起去郊外爬了次野長城,尋找靈感。 Zhang Hongyang, born in 1988 near Taihu Lake in Suzhou, started to learn traditonal Chinese painting at the age of 8. She got enrolled by China Academy of Art at 18, and now she has held solo exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai and Suzhou. People call her Little Puti. She's obssessed with traditonal Chinese culture, especially painting on screens. Now she lives alone in Beijing and works at home. She gave an interview to Yit on the solar term Liqiu and we climbed the wild walls together. *打開CC字幕,觀看體驗更佳哦! *Don‘t forget to turn on CC/Subtitles! 喜歡這支視頻,就點個贊👍吧!不要忘記留言告訴我們! If you like this video, please click on 👍 and don't forget to leave your comment! ------------------------------------------------------------------- 【一条Yit】視頻,每日更新! Daily original short videos,That tell touching stories. 喜歡這條視頻,一定要訂閱我的頻道哦! Subscribe to our YouTube channel here👇! 一条Yit |一条Yit?sub_confirmation=1 請記得開啟YouTube🔔通知! Turn on the little bell🔔 for notification and be the first one to watch our videos! ------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎥其他精彩回顧 Watch More ▸ 她十年宅家畫畫,用童真畫風展現成人世界裡的性與愛She showing Adult Sex and Love with Innocent Paintings ▸ 北京全職奶爸,辭職在家帶娃、畫畫,暖得讓人想成家Beijing Painter Works at Home and Takes Care of His Kid ▸ 80後漫畫宅男,畫下生活日常,戳中萬千網友 Millennial Cartoon Artist Draws His Daily Life, Aroused Wide Sympathy ▸ 一個重慶工人,隱居深山埋頭畫畫20年,被封天才 Painting in a Mountain Village for 20 Years, A Worker is Praised as Talent ▸ 獨居20年不接電話不出門,他的減法人生 He Lives Alone in a Dilapidated Building, Shutting out the World for Two Decades ------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎥本月精彩推荐 Best of this month: ▸【TOP1】從美國回來後,他在山中隱居30年,他找到了無價之寶 He Lived in the Mountains for Three Decades and Found Priceless Treasures ▸【TOP2】獨居20年不接電話不出門,他的減法人生 He Lives Alone in a Dilapidated Building, Shutting out the World for Two Decades ▸【TOP3】一個初中畢業生,荒野捨命工作20年,被一群博士封神!Single Junior High Graduate Has Been Risking His Life in the Wild for 20 Years ▸【TOP4】他花100天在懸崖邊上造房,景致全世界絕無僅有He Built Houses with Unparalleled Views on the Edge of the Cliff in 100 Days ▸【TOP5】一個美國人在長城腳下造40棟房子,當地人都愛瘋了An American Renovates 40 Houses at the Foot of Great Wall ---------------------------------------------------------- 🔗「這裡也可以找到我們」Follow us on: Facebook: Website: #一条#一條#Yit
