旅遊 YouTubers 在一般人眼裡看似是個只須四處遊玩的工作,然而實際上包含撰寫影片企劃、腳本,並身兼攝影和剪輯等複雜內容。Celine 和 Cynthia 利用在旅遊頻道 Spice 所學,選擇去追求和創造自己所熱愛的事物:上山下海的紀錄。現在的她們是獨立創作者和戶外品牌 Zeal 的主理人,一切雖從不在事先規劃好的人生進度表上,但秉持著不後悔的精神、敢衝敢闖,兩人深信著努力自然會回到自己身上。
Travel and outdoor YouTubers might seem like they are always having fun, but in fact, a lot of work goes behind the scenes, including scriptwriting, filming, editing, etc. Celine and Cynthia applied what they learned when they were on the travel YouTube channel “Spice” to setting up their own channel and creating content that they are passionate about in person: documentaries of them trekking in the mountains and diving down into the sea. They have now become independent content creators and the owners of an outdoor clothing brand “Zeal”, which were never on the list of their life’s to-do lists. Nevertheless, being on this unplanned life journey together, Celine and Cynthia firmly believe that all of their efforts will eventually benefit them in different ways. 一個響往汪洋、一個鍾愛山林,她們是彼此最佳的旅伴和工作夥伴。為了堅守對戶外探險的熱忱、全神貫注於所愛,她們做了離開前公司Spice、另創頻道的重大決定。創立了名為「不只是旅行」的頻道,她們期許用「生活即旅行」的積極心態,和山海教會她們的事,陪伴著觀眾一起在生活中勇敢。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx