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阿树Atlas Explore China 73,685 2 months ago
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綏芬河,是中國俄羅斯的邊境城市,位於黑龍江東南部。曾經是滿清的封禁地,荒無人煙,隨著沙皇俄國與清政府修建了西伯利亞大鐵路支線的中東鐵路,在此設站,這片邊緣之地,漸漸發展成為了中俄邊境上的明珠,成為中国东北对俄贸易桥头堡。今天,街上隨處可見俄國遊客和俄文招牌,無論是建築、人文、食物,都充滿異國風情。接下來,和阿樹一起走進這一座被稱為“中國最美邊城”的綏芬河市吧。 Suifenhe, located in the southeastern part of Heilongjiang Province, is a border city between China and Russia. It was once a forbidden area during the Qing Dynasty, desolate and uninhabited. However, with the construction of a branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Chinese Eastern Railway, by Tsarist Russia and the Qing government, a station was established here. Over time, this remote border area gradually developed into a shining pearl on the China-Russia border and became the trade gateway between China and Russia in Northeast China. Today, Russian tourists and Russian signage can be seen everywhere on the streets. The architecture, culture, and food are all filled with exotic charm. Now, join me, Atlas, as we explore this city, known as "China's Most Beautiful Border City" — Suifenhe. 0:00影片介紹Intro 1:22吉林琿春市搭車去黑龍江綏芬河 06:57綏芬河下榻賓館 08:47綏芬河農貿市場 17:59綏芬河博物館 20:13綏芬河中東鐵路博物館 24:18綏芬河大白樓 28:25試吃綏芬河土特產 31:29綏芬河超市探索 35:42綏芬河夜景 【阿樹闖東北】第一季 【阿樹走進100個鄉村】 【雲南篇合集】 【四川篇合集】 【新疆篇合集】 【湖南篇合集】 【貴州篇合集】 我的設備Gear: 主力相機:松下Lumix DC-S5 鏡頭:24—105 F4 無人機:Dji mini3 Pro 運動相機:Dji Pocket3 、 全景相機:Insta360 X4 歡迎加入我的會員,解鎖更多阿樹的旅行筆記、圖片、花絮等 #Chinatravel #China #Travel #Documentary #Chinese #中國 #旅遊 #鄉村 #綏芬河 #中俄边境 #suifenhe #border #russia #黑龙江 #百年口岸
