Entitled Bridezillas And Their Insane Demands - REACTION
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Hey ya'll! Today on my channel we are reacting to some entitled bridezillas getting called out on social media! Enjoy :)
#entitledbrides #bridezillas #entitled #socialmedia #entitledpeople #brides #wedding #bridezilla #reaction #charlottedobreio #react #reactionchannel #charlottedobreio #charlottedobre
Hi, I'm Charlotte Dobre. I'm an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I crack a joke or two. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it's a good time.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlottedobre
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Edited By Kelly Paoli
End screen song:
Take It All Off (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass) - Defunk