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#七宗罪 #貪吃 #大餓
00:00 前導
01:49 人類可以多貪吃?
03:36 中世紀時的貪食之惡
05:11 其他宗教與文化對貪食的看法
06:24 貪吃會受到懲罰?
07:59 貪食是生物本能
10:20 我們的觀點
11:58 提問
12:19 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Florent Quellier,《饞:貪吃的歷史》。台北,馬可孛羅,2015。
→The English Standard Version Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments with Apocrypha. (2009). Oxford University Press.
→Prose F. Gluttony. Oxford University Press. 2003.
→Hill, S. E. (2011). Eating to Excess: The Meaning of Gluttony and the Fat Body in the Ancient World: The Meaning of Gluttony and the Fat Body in the Ancient World. abc-clio.
→Hull, E. M. (2011). Sex, drugs and gluttony: how the brain controls motivated behaviors. Physiology & behavior, 104(1), 173-177.
→The Evolution of Human Gluttony:hhttps://bit.ly/3f8G7VV
→Mythbusting Ancient Rome – the truth about the vomitorium:https://bit.ly/2Pb66kd
→Gluttony: rise, fall, and resurgence of a capital sin”:https://bit.ly/3r0NQaJ
→Gluttony, Gastronomy, and the Origins of ‘French’ Food:https://bit.ly/3s36XSR
→Our gigantic problem with portions: why are we all eating too much?:https://bit.ly/30Uv4qO
→Cargill, K. (2015). The psychology of overeating: food and the culture of consumerism. Bloomsbury Publishing.
→Hill, S. E. (2011). Eating to Excess: The Meaning of Gluttony and the Fat Body in the Ancient World: The Meaning of Gluttony and the Fat Body in the Ancient World. abc-clio.
→Schwartz, H. (1986). Never satisfied: A cultural history of diets, fantasies, and fat. New York: Free Press.
→Smith T. (2013) Gluttony. In: Thompson P., Kaplan D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Springer, Dordrecht. https://bit.ly/3cIkDw4
→破紀錄!28歲男改名「愛台灣鮑鮪鮭魚松葉蟹干貝龍蝦...」36字全台最長 :https://bit.ly/3cMWW5F
→《大餓》正式預告╱11.15 自然就素美!:https://bit.ly/310Fd5g
【 延伸閱讀 】
→饕餮書 蔡珠兒 聯合文學 2006:https://bit.ly/3tAHO23
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