🩵 Welcome to Ep. 24 of my crochet podcast. This week was ALL about granny squares! I managed to complete a granny square blanket in 7 days and I couldn’t be happier 🌸 Grab your WIP and a cuppa and sit back and crochet along with me ☺️ welcome to you all and thanks for being here 🤗 Jenni
#crochet #crochetvlog #smallbizvlog #crochetcal #crochet #inmysparetimecrochet #crocheting #crochetwithme #crochetpodcast #crochetblankets #crochetalong #crochetcal #worldamigurumitour2024 #ayearofgrannysquarescal #sunburstgrannysquares #stashbusting #crochetscarf
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Mentioned in the video
Joining tutorial for Sunburst Granny Square Scarf - https://youtu.be/YiKK9qfWkfQ?si=kRwQ3fazaU_3mhLE
A Year of Granny Squares by Kylie Moleta - Year of Granny Squares: 52 Grannies to Crochet, One for Every Week of the Year : Moleta, Kylie: Amazon.com.au: Books
A Year of Granny Squares by Kylie Moleta | 52 Grannies to Crochet, One for Every Week of the Year | 9781800922082 | Booktopia
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Madeit Inmysparetime Crochet
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🎼 All Music from Uppbeat Premium 🎼
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Sub count - 815 🫶❤️ 👼