Are you a musician, artist, producer, or songwriter? This video points out key factors that could negatively impact the music industry and its market, should the Replican Party win the Whitehouse, on Nov. 5, 2024. Citations: Section 2; Chapter 8: Corporation for Public Broadcasting (pg246) Public Broadcasting Act of 1967: 2023 US House Appropriations Subcommittee proposal to defund CPB:,_Health_and_Human_Services,_Education,_and_Related_Agencies "Inside the Crisis at NPR:",in%20a%20long%2Dterm%20decline. iHeart Media budget: Education The proposal offers the eminent opportunity to withdraw already over-time-diminished funding from education, on a federal level, and leave it completely to private contributors of non-profits to support sectors of society that lack in education funding. (Pg322) "Correlation Between Playing an Instrument and Grades:" Correlation Between Playing an Instrument and Grades in ...David Publishing › Contribute) California Prop 28: FCC (Pgs 849 & 850) The Communications Act of 1934: background music: "Saint," by Virian All rights reserved. © Nairiv (BMI); ellayepi (ASCAP)