Ep 311 | D&C 20-22, Come Follow Me 2025 (March 10-16)
➡ Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2021/02/dc-20-22-quotes-and-notes/
➡ Timestamps:
(00:00) The Constitution of the Church. People before programs.
(07:00) The order of important truths.
(15:33) Early Christianity developed creeds to combat views that were deemed heretical.
(21:41) Section 20 as a case study in the production of scripture.
(25:20) Oliver contends with Joseph over having standards to enter the Kingdom.
(28:39) Duties of the priesthood and all members.
(38:54) The Sacrament is a willingness to covenant with the Lord and take His name upon us.
(45:15) Joseph Smith is called to be a seer. His word will guide the cause of Zion.
(55:46) Jacob Haun and the importance of taking counsel.
➡ For more of Bryce Dunford's podcast classes, please visit: http://brotherdunford.org
➡ Enroll in Institute: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/si/institute?lang=eng
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