Watch Episode 38 - The Princess Who Was Bird Story in Tamil from Animated Series 'Story Time with Sudha Amma' only on Murty Media.
Due to the impact of a childhood story in which a male bird leaves his family to die in a fire, Princess Padma, the daughter of King Vidyadhar, started hating men and didn’t want to marry. The news spread everywhere that Princess Padma hated men and therefore didn’t want to get married. When Prince Venkat of the neighboring kingdom heard about this, he disguised himself and went to Vijaynagar. He discovered that the reason behind Princess Padma's hatred for men was the story about the bird. Venkat devised a plan and retold the same story to the princess but from a different perspective. He highlighted aspects that changed the meaning and intent of the story. After hearing this new version, and with the king's advice to correct the misunderstanding from the story, Princess Padma and Venkat agreed to marry.
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Show name: Story Time With Sudha Amma
Episode name: The Princess Who Was Bird ( பறவையாக இருந்த இளவரசி )
Episode number: 40
Episode language : Tam
பறவையாக இருந்த இளவரசி | EP 38 | Story Time with Sudha Amma | Tamil Stories By Sudha Murty