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【俄羅斯自由行】踏入被世界隔絕的國度!卡刷不了、房訂不了、語言不通...史上最難旅行挑戰!差點睡在街上?| 俄羅斯EP1|momojoejoe

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#中國 #黑河 #海蘭泡 #布拉戈維申斯克 #俄羅斯 #中國自由行 #china #momojoejoe #多謝訂閱 沒有廣告,沒有業配,記得訂閱 贊助支持:D!<3 / Momojoejoe 由香港出發,經深圳﹑哈爾濱﹑延吉﹑琿春﹑黑河等地,今天終要坐船跨越黑龍江,前往未知的國度—俄羅斯的布拉戈維申斯克。在這個遠東第三大城市,有沒有跟新聞所報導的被受制裁?黑河和布拉戈維申斯克兩座城市差異大嗎?在語言不通的情況下,訂酒店﹑交通,吃飯,似乎通通都成為考驗。。。我們要留落街頭了嗎? Momojoejoe starts from Hong Kong and passes through Shenzhen, Harbin, Yanji, Hunchun, Heihe and other places. Today, we will finally across Heilongjiang by ship and head to an unknown country - Blagoveshchensk, Russia. In this third largest city in the Far East, has anyone been sanctioned as reported in the news? Are there big differences between Heihe and Blagoveshchensk? When there is a language barrier, booking hotels, transportation, and meals seem to be a great challenge. . . Are we going to sleep on the streets? / ❞ 更多MomoJoeJoe 日常↷ 🐦 YouTube Channel:廢青環遊世界 📷 Instagram: @momo.joejoe/ @chels.parrot ♪ MUSIC / 喜歡我們的影片可以訂閱 ﹑讚好和留言 按個小鈴鐺就不會錯過我們最新的資訊 再次多謝收看 Thank you so much for watching this video If you like it, please subscribe, smash the like button, and leave a comment 😊 !! Have a nice day! Momojoejoe
