元瓷尋蹤 |主持人:水木清華
Ep4. 蘇麻尼青的來源及其呈色特徴|Origin and Characteristics of Soleimani Cobalt
蘇麻尼青的鈷礦⽯之名稱多樣、來源說法不⼀,莫衷⼀是,上海社科院 許明博⼠繼2001年赴⼟耳其皇宮博物館參訪元青花後,2007年⼜積極地安排到伊朗國家博物館探訪那裡的元青花傳世器的館藏,前後去了三趟,得到了兩個極為重要的證明和成果,許明博⼠也不吝出書和元青花的愛好者分享。
In search of the Yuan Dynasty Porcelain - the missing link
14th Century Chinese Porcelain
Ep4. Origin and characteristics of Soleimani cobalt
Host: Benson LIN
In Yuan blue-and-white porcelain, the blue color pigment comes from Persia. It is a cobalt mineral found in the Ilkhanate during the Yuan Dynasty. Before the 1950s, Yuan blue-and-white porcelain was almost unknown and not recorded in the (Chinese) history. In the Chinese ceramic history, Yuan Dynasty was almost completely left out. As recorded in history, blue-and-white porcelain came to prominence in early Ming Dynasty with the best quality produced during Emperor Yongxuan’s reign.
The Soleimani cobalt ore goes by many different names with no conclusive confirmation to date. Following his trip to see Yuan blue-and-white porcelains in Turkey’s Topkapi Museum in 2001, Dr. Xu Ming of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, proactively arranged for three trip to see Yuan blue-and-white porcelains of heritage editions in the National Museum of Iran in 2007. It was proven to have great results. Dr. Xu Ming has published his research findings on a book to share with Yuan blue-and-white porcelain enthusiasts.
(1) Soleimani cobalt is from Iran.
(2) To unveil the traits of Soleimani cobalt, we take close-up shots of the Yuan blue-and-white porcelains on a digital camera, enlarge the pictures to identify their common traits and contrast them to verify if they contain Soleimani cobalt.
✉ Info: [email protected]
本篇賞析:元青花龍泉釉背 柳蔭雙鹿㗸靈芝菱口折沿盤
Appreciation of Yuan blue-and-white Longquan celadon dish with patterns of willows and twin deer mouthing a ganoderma plus a ridged bottom rim
✉ Info: [email protected]