On the previous 3 videos we covered how we rescued our $700 Toyota 4Runner from the crusher. After a lot of work, it was lovingly restored by my brother for his daughter. The problem? She's only 10 years old. We'll have to wait another 5 years before she can drive it. In the meantime, WE will drive it. In this episode we take the 4Runner up the mountains from Phoenix to Flagstaff. It's a challenging drive as Snowbowl is 185 miles north of Phoenix and is about 7,000 feet higher in elevation. Plus, we had to contend with strong winds along with the increasing altitudes. But, can our $700 4Runner make it? It passed, with flying colors. The ski trip? Not so much. Skiing in Flagstaff is some of the cheapest available in the country and in the episode we not only cover how the 4Runner did, but also the cost associated with the trip, including a verifiable MPG on this 40-year-old Toyota. Join us! #flagstaffaz #arizonasnowbowl #skitrip #azsnowbowl #roadtrip #toyota #toyota4runner #toyota4x4