🎥 Ep4: Wideband Hacks, Crimping, Splicing and Sheathing | DAVE'S WIRING VLOG
#daveswiring #racecar #haltech #vlog
Plenty of hacks and shortcuts in this massive episode including a clever way of wiring in a Wideband Controller. Dave also splices in some extra long wires for the rear mounted fuel pump, trans fan and power steering and shows us his braiding technique so pull up a chair, grab a hot cup of coffee and follow along! Alternatively jump forward to any of the shortcuts listed below:
Dave's Wideband (CAN) Hack - https://youtu.be/mDywezNuL0Q?t=25
Splicing in new long wire groups - https://youtu.be/mDywezNuL0Q?t=492
Sheathing/Braiding - https://youtu.be/mDywezNuL0Q?t=1146
Firewall Connectors - https://youtu.be/mDywezNuL0Q?t=1466
HP Academy Pro Wiring Courses:
Wiring fundamentals: https://bit.ly/HPAWiringFundamentals
Club level Wiring: https://bit.ly/HPAClubLevelWiring
Professional Motorsport level Wiring: https://bit.ly/HPAMotorsportWiring
Related Videos:
How To Crimp Like A Pro: https://youtu.be/VXVISyLUTl0
How To Wire an LS Engine with a Terminated Harness: https://youtu.be/UD5mbh8AfPk
How Relays Work: https://youtu.be/upunFFax2nA
How to Wire Your ECU: https://youtu.be/GzLiGezXshk
Links to products used in this project:
Haltech Elite ECU + Premium Wiring Kit :
EFI hardware: https://www.efihardware.com/
Syltech - https://www.ebay.com.au/usr/autosupplies_au?fbclid=IwAR3R8VfP6_66tLITPyGXy4y6SrwgwXUglHZLuCY-_DVyPoAc4v4DpBZ2J4M
RS components: https://au.rs-online.com/web/p/crimp-butt-splice-terminals/7187561/
Connector-Tech ALS: https://www.connector-techals.com.au/
Tesa Tape: https://www.tesa.com/en-au/industry/tesa-51608.html
Tempco Crimpers: https://temcoindustrial.com/temco-hydraulic-cable-lug-crimper-th0006-5-us-ton-12-awg-to-00-awg.html
3D Racing Solutions: https://3dracingsolutions.com/collections/dash-clustersh
Power probe: https://www.powerprobe.com/
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