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EP.57 聚落保存 專輯|藝術很有事

藝術很有事 6,308 5 years ago
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聚光燈下【蟾蜍山聚落與她的朋友們】 The Toad Mountain Settlement & Her Friends 位於台北公館蟾蜍山腳下的煥民新村,是空軍眷村。一些老爺爺、老奶奶們期待著眷改條例通過,搬離居住幾十年的狹小屋子。然而一住進大樓,沒有樹、沒有互動空間、更沒有噓寒問暖、互相扶持的鄰居們,才感受到:居住不只是一個房子。   煥民新村一旁,更多是沒有分配到宿舍、自立營造的屋子。煥民新村搬遷後,面改重劃,讓在蟾蜍山租屋的阿傑十分不捨,號召朋友進行側繪,進而一步步透過藝術活動,讓外界認識這個地方的多樣性,最後爭取到讓蟾蜍山聚落成為台灣少數「有住人」的文化景觀。 之後接手保溫計劃的莎莎與她的伙伴們,持續透過藝文活動,照顧居民之餘也記錄口述歷史,期盼在全球化的世代,為居住找出新的可能性。 Huanmin New Village is an Air Force Dependents Village located on Toad Mountain in Taipei’s Gongguan District. Residents were stunned when the Dependents Village Reform Act passed, knowing they’d have to leave their quaint houses after living there for decades. High-rise apartments lack the greenery, communal spaces, hospitality, and supportive neighbors at the heart of village life. Many residents now understand that a house is not necessarily a home. There are more unassigned dormitories and unregulated construction beside Huanmin New Village. Che LIN was saddened by the prospect of additional restructuring following the evictions from Huanmin. He called on his friends to survey the area and their efforts sparked a series of artistic projects to help outsiders better understand diversity within the village. The settlement on Toad Mountain was eventually recognized as one of few habitable cultural landscapes in Taiwan. Today, Che continues artistic projects, such as photographing residents and recording oral histories, in hopes to provide residents with more possibilities in the age of globalization. 大城小調【畫家王傑的基隆凝視】 Keelung in the eyes of painter WANG Chieh 在日治時期,基隆曾經是世界最美的港口城巿之一。畫家王傑,留學西班牙,經過異國視野的洗滌,返台後,驚覺從小熟悉的基隆,竟然隱藏那麼多華麗、優美的建築。於是多年來持續以畫筆記錄下他看到城巿裡的美好角落。 然而基隆港西二、三碼頭因都巿重劃,面臨拆除之際,他面對曾經傲人的城巿風貌逐一瓦解,連所剩不多的文化建築,也岌岌可危時,拒絕再當旁觀者的他,走上抗爭前線,為城巿容顏與蘊藏的歷史內涵進行保衛戰。 During the Japanese Colonial Era, Keelung was one of the most beautiful port cities in the world. WANG Chieh is a painter who was captivated by many exotic destinations throughout his studies in Spain; however, upon his return to Taiwan, he was surprised to discover plenty of majestic and elegant architecture hidden in the Keelung he’d known since childhood. His paintings from recent years record how he sees the most beautiful corners of the city. The scheduled demolition of West 2 and West 3 Wharf meant that WANG now faced the prospect of the cityscape he once admired beginning to crumble, and that what little remained of the cultural architecture might be next. The painter refused to be a bystander, and took to the streets to preserve the aesthetic and intrinsic historical significance contained within the cityscape.
