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EP.65 謝英俊,從部落而生的人民建築|藝術很有事

藝術很有事 6,107 5 years ago
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【謝英俊,從部落而生的人民建築】 HSIEH Ying-Chun, Tribal Architecture for the People 921地震後,建築師謝英俊投入災區重建工作,從此他就離開了主流菁英式的建築世界,在日月潭的邵族部落住了下來。此後,哪裡有需要他的地方,他就啟身前往。20多年來,謝英俊到過屏東瑪家農場、鄒族來吉部落、四川、西藏、尼泊爾等地災區,以輕鋼架協力造屋的方式和居民一起重建家園。他的好友成大建築系王明蘅教授說:「他很大膽,哪裡危險,哪裡未知,他就往哪裡去。」 謝英俊要實踐的建築是「自己的房子自己蓋」,因為自己蓋的房子是自己的家。那他自己對家的想法呢?他說:「我四處流浪,我工作的地方就是家。」 長期協助部落重建,從部落出發的思維成為謝英俊建築的核心理念。《藝術很有事》以近半年的時間,拍攝謝英俊和他的常民建築團隊在邵族的工作日常、赴台東輕鋼架造屋,並重返阿里山得恩亞納部落,見證遺忘許久的民居之美,原來,房子會生長,它會長成生活的模樣。 Architect HSIEH Ying-Chun dedicated himself to rebuilding disaster zones in the wake of the Chi-Chi Earthquake on September 21, 1999. He left the world of mainstream commercial architecture and settled with the Thao tribe of Sun Moon Lake. Since then, he´s traveled anywhere there was a need for him. Over the last 20 years, HSIEH Ying-Chun has been to disaster areas in the farmlands of Machia township, Pingtung; the Tsou tribe of Laiji Village; Sichuan, Tibet, and Nepal where he used steel frames and collaborative construction techniques to rebuild homes with local residents. His good friend, Professor WANG Ming-Hung, from the Architecture Department at Cheng Kung University describes HSIEH as, “A brave man who is willing to go to dangerous or unknown places.” HSIEH Ying-Chun´s practical approach to architecture is to “build your home for yourself” because the home you´re building is your home. What´s his idea of home? He says, “I wander around all four corners of the earth. Home is wherever I work.” Tribal beliefs that emerged from long-term collaborative construction projects have become a central tenant of HSIEH Ying-Chun´s architectural philosophy. Inside the Arts spent the last year following HSIEH and his team at Design for People throughout their days with the Tsou tribe, while doing collaborative steel frame construction projects in Taitung, and as they returned to the tribal village of Toe’uana in Alishan. We soon rediscovered the forgotten beauty of residential living as we realized that a home grows into a reflection of our lifestyle. 📺播出時間 公視主頻 8/29 週六 14:30 公視三台 8/30 週日 19:00 |歡迎追蹤我們的頻道| 📍FB 📍IG 📍Youtube 📍Telegram ⚡最新消息⚡ 📍官網
