LIAO Chin-Chang and his Guardian Deities
LIAO Chin-Chang was born in a small village near Mailiao Township in Yunlin county. As a kid, he loved watching puppet shows by Huang Chun-Hsiung. He also remembers grabbing an axe to carve faces on the cottonwood trees in his backyard after finishing elementary school classes.LIAO was deeply drawn to the expressions and traditional garments worn by these wooden puppets and started studying temple painting when he grew up. The artist went on to paint several guardian deities and traditional Chinese portraits.
LIAO Chin-Chang is a recipient of the Global Chinese Arts and Culture Award who has been painting temples for decades; however, as he grew older, Chin-Chang realized that his breathtaking guardian deities wouldn’t last forever. Knowing that his guardians would grow old and disappear, LIAO sought to leave behind a “permanent” legacy. He decided to take his guardian deities out of the temple and onto the canvas. After experimenting for two years, he finally finished a guardian deity standing 3 zhang tall and later completed an entire series of these guardian deities.
LIAO Chin-Chang learned to apply Western painting techniques through a process of trial and error. He chose to replace the traditionally contrastive color palates of guardian deities with complimentary colors. He also used ink wash painting techniques to highlight changes in their facial muscles and expressions. These variations give his guardian deities a modern feel and refined character.
LIAO Chin-Chang hasn’t painted temples in years; but last year he decided to paint guardian deities at the Yongan Temple in Tainan. “Religious art is deeply engrained in folklore,” he said, “It exists within our hearts. It’s different from aesthetic art because we’re more emotionally invested in these things. The most important thing is that you need to be profoundly passionate before you can do this kind of work.”
孫啟榕很討厭用挖土機式的方式,把土地上的東西剷平,他認為歷史建築能夠見證我們的過去,同時也能指引我們的未來。於是,他和他的父親、學生們用一年多的時間,一起在齊東街修護了古蹟《臺北琴道館》和歷史建築《臺北書畫院》、《齊東詩社25號 27號》等三棟歷史建築,讓它們盡量回復到過去的樣貌。
Artist and the City :
SUN Chi-Jong’s poetic restoration of a Japanese neighborhood on Qi Dong Street
Architect SUN Chi-Jong grew up in Japanese houses. He and his father, SUN Mao-hong are both architects and their passion for antique houses inspired them to work together on restoring a series of old homes in Taipei. Their home is close to a group of Japanese houses on Qidong Street with more than 100 years of history. This is the only surviving large-scale Japanese neighborhood in Taipei; however, after several years of malicious damage, the neighborhood faced the threat of demolition in favor of building a skyscraper.
SUN Chi-Jong detests leveling plots of land with an excavator. He believes that historic architecture is a testament to our past that can lead us into the future. SUN Chi-Jong, his father and their students, went to Qi Dong Street to restore the landmark Taipei Qin Hall and three historic buildings: the Taipei Calligraphy Salon, Qi Dong Poetry Salon Building no. 25, and Qi Dong Poetry Salon Building No. 27. They sought to restore these buildings to their former glory.
The process of restoring these buildings helped SUN Chi-Jong to understand that people are an incredibly valuable resource because of homemakers like, CHU-CHEN Bao-gui, and local residents who advocated for the preservation of the neighborhood. They firmly believe that teaching their children about these hundred year old wooden houses is more important than building a skyscraper.
Qidong Street is beautiful. Aerial views of the neighborhood are surrounded with greenery amidst the hustle and bustle of Taipei. The old and new coexist in such a way that neighbors are drawn closer to traces of the past within these spaces. They represent the march toward an age of openness and public accessibility.