From time to time you have to accept End User License Agreement on every modern online platform.
It is not something new or Epic Games Store only.
But the problem is that if you don't accept it, you won't be able to play the games and access your account online.
In this video I roughly check few terms of Epics EULA, precisely terms 2 and 9.
Term 2 was interesting to me because it says that arbitration would be resolved more quickly and fairly in alternative process than in court:
"2. You and Epic agree to resolve disputes between us in individual arbitration (not in court).
We believe the alternative dispute-resolution process of arbitration will resolve any dispute fairly and more quickly and efficiently than formal court litigation."
And Term 9, which is about termination, shows us that we actually don't have anything in our possession, but everything is online, out of our reach.
"... and you must destroy all copies of the Software in your possession."
For more info, check the link below...
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