0:00 - Music Intro
2:58 - What 38 Spesh has been doing in the year since he’s been on The Danza Project last
7:00 - The process & benefits of having an in Home Studio
10:20 - 38 Spesh on his friendships with Fred the Godson & Ransom
15:00 - Griselda / Staying true to yourself & The power of independence
20:00 - History always repeats itself
22:07 - Who has the Top Pen?
25:33 - 38 Spesh breaks down the significance of his 7 Shots album & doing it all in a day
27:48 - 38 Spesh speaks on his last tour & releasing a documentary from unreleased footage
31:30 - The difficulty of touring while having a family
33:22 - 38 Spesh mentions not touring overseas since 2018 & the impact it will have now
35:30 - Would 38 Spesh ever consider Battle Rapping?
38:45 - Finding happiness in other things other than businesses
43:40 - The importance of being present with your family & kids
49:00 - How old is too old to have kids and play an important role in their lives?
56:30 - 38 Spesh on his kids being in music for a living
1:06:50 - “Don’t play my shit on shuffle” - 38 Spesh discusses his inspirations to rap & where it comes from
1:13:10 - “I don’t run out of bars” - 38 Spesh on being a creative punchliner along with life experience
1:20:00 - Danza dropping gems on being authentic / RJ Payne
1:24:34 - 7 Shots discussion & tracks
1:30:10 - Dealing with losses
#38spesh #38speshtypebeat #rochester #buffalo #live
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🎙️Danza: https://www.instagram.com/iam_danza/
🎙️Kris: https://www.instagram.com/krisnovacane/
🎙️Kelvin: https://www.instagram.com/mateo_made_it/
👨💻Produced by Landon: https://www.instagram.com/produced.by.lando/
🎨Artwork & Graphics by Landon⏱️