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Showing the flooding of the valleys in the region for the sixth time. I walked on two imaginary burial mounds thousands of years old, received mail from Poste Restante and buried a curious wren.
Some quotes from the video:
'Many questions remain unanswered: why has the energy supply of the past, with small local hydroelectric plants, been exchanged here in France for a dependence on nuclear power? And why are solar panels on regional roofs so hard to find?
Energy landscapes or energyscapes like this are common on the Côtes de la Meuse. How do we see these monsters and migratory bird grinders? Should we support this development as an alternative to nuclear power? And in 100 years, will they be seen as historical markers in the landscape of a bygone age, like the thatched wooden windmills along the dikes in Holland?'
[...] for more see the video
'If a Justin Bieber music video, produced in a picture-perfect Iceland, can ruin a natural habitat by creating mass tourism, how do I deal with the side effects of my own video diaries? For me, for now it is to focus on being an example of how to observe and be in your own environment without having to travel far... ’.
[...] for more see the video
Camera, soundrecording: Menno Heling
Editing: Menno Heling, Sascha Stouthamer
Sound design and colorgrading: Sascha Stouthamer
Music in this video: YouTube music library
Music selection: Menno Heling
#tinyhouse #minimalism #justingbieber #landscapemarkers #heritage #patrimoine
00:02 Summary reel
00:48 Opening monologue
02:19 Opening sequence
02:59 Start of episode 13 Building a fire
04:01 A curious wren dies trying to escape
04:50 Sunset
06:00 Chopping firewood
07:02 Visiting the wind turbines
10:30 Cycling through the countryside
11:55 Servicing the chainsaw
12:48 Raking leaves and spotting the first snowdrops
13:30 Climbing two mysterious hills
16:40 Evening walk
18:22 Flooding the valley
19:38 Visit to the museum in the citadel
20:54 Visit to Quincy-Landzecourt, also flooded
22:10 Opening a parcel with artwork by @elisabethatelierspek
22:58 Staring into the flames
23:29 Thanks for watching