Welcome along to my podcast! Today I'm taking you on a day out to an old weaving mill and share with you the interesting things that I saw and learned while I was there. I am especially excited to take you to the village of Dent, once home to the "terrible knitters of Dent" and tell you a bit about them.
Time stamps:
00:00 Intro
00:14 Welcome
01:27 Drive and arrival at Farfield Mill
02:24 Farfield Mill cafe
02:48 Mill, river and water turbine
03:53 Old weaving looms
04:45 Working at the mill
06:38 Modern weaving on the top floor
07:23 Art studios and exhibition room
09:14 A wander around the shop
11:31 The Knitters of Dent
13:50 Dent village and more about the knitters
17:50 Final chat and purchases
Piano today: Intro and Outro: To a Wild Rose by MacDowell
Other music: For a wander around the shop, a piece by Scarlatti.
Things I mentioned today:
Art and craft workshops at Farfield Mill - https://www.farfieldmill.org/whats-on/workshops/
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If you’d like to get in touch with me, my email address is:
[email protected]
Where you can find me:
Full mousiemakes podcast playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlNpEYRfhFFUa6DcexrTs-HiIxrCiDQtZ
mousiemakes podcasts 2022 playlist:
Campervan Adventures playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlNpEYRfhFFWj9OEPtCdtosQrcFQrFPGi
'Gentle Words' poetry podcast playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlNpEYRfhFFUVpM3JUOYK5lkBr1WJrLFt
My @mousiemakespod instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mousiemakespod