Overview Podcast With Joey Badubi
It's a Valentine's special episode, featuring a married and pastoral couple, Pastor Mmoloki Mogokgwane alongside his wife Pastor Sharon "Shaz" Mogokgwane.
They are talking marriage, relationships, friendships, challenges, and most importantly God in relationships/marriages, using their 27 years and 22 years of relationship and marriage respectively as evidence.
They also briefly talk about their friendship with Botswana's current President Adv. Duma Gideon Boko and his wife First Ladyship Kaone Boko.
It's another awesome watch 🍿🍿🍿
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Guest : Pst. Mmoloki Mogokgwane
Guest: Pst. Sharon "Shaz" Mogokgwane
HOST : Joey Badubi Jr.
Co HOST : Chief Ghost
PRODUCER : Joey Badubi Jr.
DIRECTOR : Kgosithebe Toto
SOUND : Overview Network
VISUALS : Overview Network
EQUIPMENT : Overview Network
- Kanako ( The best and most reliable Commercial & Industrial Equipment Store)
- Cycad Palm Hospitality ( Venue )
- Gomz Da Barber ( Haircuts )
#OverviewPodcast #JoeyBadubi